i have to collected some courage,
and also power.
i don't have enough time to take a rest last night,
so i woke up today with little bit dizzy
yeah that was the main idea.
Once more TO SEE.
There is always happiness in every strange behavior i did
Finally i can see you from distance,
first chapter i can see you from 5 meters,
second chapter i can see you from 10 meters,
and the last is from 20 meters,
hmmm...that moment was so weird if you can realize and recognize me
They (your friends) look so happy to me, when you came out from arrival gate.
The most beautiful scene of your life that you have a lot of friends,
and i don't like to see you cry, please don't be sad.
So i walk away from 5 ,move to another 10,
I have a sit and smoking a cigarette
You walk pass to me with your trolley,
i just can starring at you with sealed lips and heart beat up and up,
that was 10.
then, i just make sure you walk through your friend's car
and i stood up and walk passed to your car
that was 20
and the end of "i'm following" scene
Mungkin masih lekat dalam ingatan kita, bagaimana kisah The Last Samurai (2003) yang dibintangi oleh Tom Cruise dan Ken Watanabe. The Last Samurai banyak mengangkat keadaan kultural dan segala intriknya pada masa transisi pasca restorasi Meiji. Kali ini saya tidak akan membahas apa yang terjadi dalam film The Last Samurai, kali ini saya akan mengangkat hal yang lebih detail tentang kehidupan seorang Samurai pada masa Shogun berkuasa. Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai inilah judul film yang akan kita bahas kali ini. Disutradarai oleh Takashi Miike dan berlatar belakang Jepang sebelum restorasi Meiji. Hara-Kiri adalah film yang diangkat dari sebuah novel karya Yasuhiko Takiguchi dengan judul Ibun rônin-ki sedangkan skenario nya ditulis oleh Kikumi Yamagishi. Film yang dibintangi Kôji Yakusho, Eita dan Naoto Takenaka ini diproduksi oleh Recorded Picture Company bekerja sama dengan Sedic International dan Amuse Soft Entertainment dengan durasi hampir dua jam. Bergenre drama film ini menyaji...
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